Tuesday, October 9, 2012

21 Reasons....

.....I'm thankful God gave us Sophia.

1.  Sophia has opened my eyes to a new world of beautiful.
2.  She has made me more comfortable around people with all abilities.
3.  Because of Sophia, I've realized that it's ok if you're not the best, as long as you do the best that you can.
4.  Sophia has taught me what Down syndrome is and I can now see the beauty that comes with children with special needs.
5.  Sophia has changed our family, and our extended family, for the better.  Just by being exactly who she was meant to be.
6.  Sophia is a constant reminder that it's AWESOME to be different.
7.  Sophia shows me a constant love, without hate or judgement.
8.  Because of Sophia, I know what angels look like.
9.  Sophia has made me a stronger person, in so many ways.
10 She has taught me that words hurt, so choose them carefully.
11 Sophia has taught me that it isn't ok to judge others.  You never know how bumpy the road on their journey through life has been. 
12 Attitude = Beauty
13 Sophia has taught me that life isn't made to be easy, it's the struggles in life that make you a better, and stronger, person.
14 When the going gets tough, Sophia always knows how to lighten up the mood.
15 A smile, a hug, a kiss, or a laugh from her sweet little face, makes everything better.
16 Because now I know what perfect is.
17 Sophia has shown me a love like no one else ever has.
18 She brings our family and friends together to celebrate the lives of thousands of individuals who rock that extra chromosome.
19 Jayden will learn life lessons that she may not have before.
20 I feel like I now have a reason to help change the way people in society view individuals with Down syndrome. 
21 Because she was made especially perfect, just. for. our. family!


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