Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Randy and I have been together for 13 years, but today we celebrate 7 years of being married.  It's crazy to think that I have loved this man for almost more than half my entire life.  Everything in my life that has every truly meant anything to me, I have shared with this one person.  He has been one of the few people that has stood by me through thick and thin.  He has supported me in every aspect of the word.  He has believed in me and in our relationship, even when I sometimes didn't.  He is more to me than just my husband, or the father of my children, but he is my best friend.  And I'm not sure that I can put into words just how special and amazing he is to me.

When Sophia was born, and we got the potential diagnosis, neither one of us truly understood what was happening in that exact moment of time.  Things were happening so fast and I just remember waiting to hear the bad news.  I heard that Sophia possibly had Down syndrome, but the energy in that delievery room made it seem like something tragic was about to happen.  And that scared me more than anything.  I kept feeling that there was something bigger that they weren't saying and I feared for my daughter, and our family.  Randy NEVER waivered on his love for Sophia.  I can't say for sure what he was feeling in that moment, hearing that his daughter may have Down syndrome, but I do know that he was there right by my side loving me and telling me that everything was going to be okay and never once have I ever heard him wish that things had turned out differently for our daughter.  I could tell that from the first moment we both laid eyes on her, she was perfect, in both our eyes.  I bring this up because I have read about husbands/fathers, who have left after hearing that their child had Down syndrome.  I have read about husbands/fathers wanting nothing to do with their child, either short term or long term, after getting the diagnosis.  But for Randy, it was the total opposite.  He was in love from those first few moments and his love for her has done nothing but grow each and every day.

I feel so blessed to have Randy in my life.  Don't get me wrong it's not roses and rainbows in our house every day, in fact it's usually a brewing thunderstorm :) but I wouldn't trade this man in for anything else in the world.  I look forward to raising our children together, experiencing life together and growing old with this man right at my side.  I love him more than words can express and  am so happy to be his wife!  Happy Anniversary Randy, I love you!      

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