Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sick Baby

Sophia isn't feeling well.  She hasn't been feeling well for 9 days now.  It all started a week ago Friday with a fever.  She contined to have a fever for most of last weekend and then it finally broke and the head cold symptons kicked in.  Coughing, runny nose, watery eyes and just feeling like crap.  By Tuesday I decided we needed to see the doctor and find out what was causing all this ear infection and the common cold.  So we got an anibiotic and headed home to start feeling better.  But almost a week later, she still isn't feeling better :(  She still has a mild cough here and there and a runny nose, which is clear, but the miserable, tired little eyes that look back at me time and time again throughout the day, tell me that things still aren't right with my baby girl.  One minute she will be happy and running around like nothing is wrong and then in the blink of an eye she becomes possessed and this cranky, miserable, can't do anything to make her feel better, baby comes out and all the happy gets shot right out the window and misery sinks in...for everyone around.  There has to be something else going on, something else making her feel and act this way, but what???  Oh the joys of having a non-verbal child :/

Times like this, when something isn't right with my baby girl, but she can't find the words to express to me how she feels, sucks!  I hate thinking that something is wrong, like really wrong, but Sophia can't get those feelings across to me to let me know and I can't see clearly enough to know what could be happening right in front of me.  It truly is the worst feeling in the world. 

When it comes to Sophia, my mind races in a million directions when she gets sick.  I immediately start thinking worst case scenerio and a thousand "what if it's this?" pops into my head.  I almost drive myself into a panic thinking that something bad is happening in her little body and I'm doing nothing to help her, because I just can't read the signs fast enough.  Sophia has had medical issues in the past.  She also has a few, mild issues that continue to linger now, but with her diagnosis there are also many medical things that could pop up more so in a child that does have Down syndrome, than a child that doesn't, and that scares me!  It's always in the back of my head.  What if Sophia is like that child that I just read about last week.....What if one day she's fine and laughing and playing and the next day she is literally fighting for her tiny life :(  It consumes me some days.  And I hate feeling like this.  I just want her to scream, at the top of her lungs, "THIS IS WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME.........!"  But the truth is, she can't.  Praying my baby girl starts feeling better, SOON!

getting some rest with her baby...


  1. Awww, give her hugs from her Aunt Jarah:) It's tough when you don't know what's going you guys!

  2. You child was sick for 9 days? Those days must have been quite terrifying for you. I understand why you’re feeling that way. As parents, it’s normal for us to get terrified when something like this happens. All you have to do is be strong and always be there for your child. That is the best thing you can do, aside from bringing her to her pediatrician.

  3. How’s your baby girl doing lately? I hope that she’s back to being bubbly. It’s pretty normal for your kid to look unwell during those nine days as she really lacked energy and enthusiasm. Nine days of being sick is really tough. At times like these, you should follow the advice of her pedia to make sure that she gets better as soon as possible. Proper medication and enough rest is what she needs the most.

    1. She is doing better, thanks! She got over that sickness and has another cold again :/ this one not too bad. It's always hard when she can't tell me exactly what is wrong and how bad she may feel. When Sophia gets hit with even just the common cold, it always seems to just suck the life right out of her, almost every time.

    2. She is doing better, thanks! She got over that sickness and has another cold again :/ this one not too bad. It's always hard when she can't tell me exactly what is wrong and how bad she may feel. When Sophia gets hit with even just the common cold, it always seems to just suck the life right out of her, almost every time.
