Saturday, January 29, 2011


Jayden and I went bowling yesterday and as usual, she about beat me, even with bumper pads!  Which is great for her, but so pathetic for me!  If it wasn't for a last frame strike, in my favor, she would have beaten me! 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

There's a new Buzz in town

Iron Man VS Buzz

I Know I Can

Pulling up and standing are both things that we have been working on for a long time. With lots of practice, and determination, we are slowly making progress! Twice last week I caught Sophia standing on her own and she had pulled herself up into that postion ALL BY HERSELF! We've found a new place to practice all of this pulling up and standing, Jayden's room. There are lots of height appropriate places to practice and lots of opportunities for distraction!

We're so proud of you Sophia!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Disney on Ice....Toy Story 3

Last night we went to Indy to see Disney on Ice, Toy Story 3, and it was FABULOUS! We had AWESOME seats, second row off the ice, and the girls, Randy and myself all had a blast. Jayden was mesmerized by the whole thing and never lost interest for even a minute. Sophia was nearing her bedtime, we went to the 7pm show, so she was pretty restless off and on, but still very good and every now and then she would get a wave of excitment hit her and she would clap her hands, shake her head and move like crazy to all the music, lights and excitment happening around her! The show lasted 2 hours, with a brief intermission, and we are so happy that we had the opportunity to go!

Yes, we were THAT close to the ice!

Before the show

Our little Woody

And our bigger Woody

Randy, the alien :)

Wearing Jayden's army hat that we got with our program

"I'm so excited to see TOY STORY!"

Mickey and part of his gang were there!

Donald Duck


Army men


Jessie and Bullseye

Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head

Mr. Potato Head, Bullseye, Slinky Dog





Barbie and her friends

Ken and Barbie

Ken doing a fashion show for Barbie

Karate Ken

Hippie Ken

Lotso and his dump truck



Friday, January 21, 2011

Will babies with Down syndrome slowly disappear?

I first read this article on facebook after someone else had posted it and it was heartbreaking to say the least. Click on this link to read the article :

It shocks me to realize that 92% of all women who receive a definitive prenantal diagnosis of Down syndrome choose to terminiate their pregnancy. 92%!!!!! First of all I am very Pro Life. I don't believe in abortion and it blows my mind that people can kill a totally innocent life, especially just because that life has 1 extra chromosome. I understand that the unknown, of anything, is scary. Which brings up another crazy statistic, which I have heard time and time again from mother's of children with Down syndrome. From this article is states, "the majority of medical students argue that they get minimal education on children with intellectual disabilities; and nearly half of obstetric fellows claim their residency training is "barely adequate" to "nonexistent" in terms of how to counsel would-be parents of a child with intellectual disabilities. Some physicians who do routinely deliver a prenatal diagnosis also admit to purposely describing Down syndrome in negative terms." Which, in my opinion, most likely creates the 92% termination rate. Doctors are supposed to be smart and informative, but more and more I hear about doctors pushing mothers who get a prenatal diagnosis to strongly consider ending the pregnancy. Woman aren't getting the stories about how these amazing kids bring a whole new light into your life. How they make you stop and smell the beautiful roses that are blooming all around you, but you've always been to busy to see them. They don't hear how children with Down syndrome really are more alike than different. How they will do all the things that a typical developing child will do, just at a little slower pace. And most importantly they aren't being reminded about how these children, all 47 chromosomes, are still THEIR CHILD. The fact that they possess a little something extra special doesn't make them any less human or any less a part of them. It truly sickens me to think that these beautiful and amazing babies aren't being given the chance to live and to thrive and to bring that special joy to the world around us. And now they are going to have a non-invasive test available to expectant mothers that will let them know whether their child has Down syndrome or not without having to risk the chance of a miscarriage like you do now with an amnio. So where does the termination rate go from 92%? I just don't get it. A baby is a human being, a life, YOUR life. Why isn't it okay to be different? Why isn't it okay to be special? Jayden made me a mother and Sophia added a little extra sparkle to the already awesome title that I had and I wouldn't change a thing about either one of my precious babies. They are PERFECT!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More Random Pics.

That hat didn't last very long.
Say Cheese!

Yes this REALLY is Jayden and she totally put this on by choice.

Keep that ball low :)

She's a natural. 2 points!

Just chillin

HELP! This tent is attacking me!!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

No Baby Idol

Sophia didn't move on to the finals in the baby contest, despite all of our efforts to vote, vote, vote! But that's okay because we definitely don't need a contest to tell us that our Sophia is the cutest little thing! Thank you to everyone who helped us vote and maybe we'll try it again another time.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mix FM Cutest Baby Contest! Please VOTE!!!!!

Voting begins Monday, January 17th at 8am and ends on Tuesday, January 18th at 6am. All you have to do is go to and cast your vote for Sophia! THANK YOU!!